Day 3…. And day 4…

Yesterday is a bit foggy for me, it was filled with appointments, counselling( at which she stated the huge improvement she is seeing) chiropractic and some window shopping with my mom and brother. I didn’t get outside for a walk, and I think that really took a toll on me. Had a panic attack last night, luckily it was fairly major and I was able to get through it with some ease, instead of feeling like I needed to go to a hospital or wAs going utterly crazy! When I felt it coming on, I did some jumping jacks, ran on the spot, then stretched out with some yoga. It was still lingering, so I did my journaling, attempted to read a book, but couldn’t focus, so I engaged in a conversation with my mom about things that interest me, that I could start studying to keep my mind busy. That, in turn, lead to me falling down the wiki hole and reading up about the isle of Capri in Italy. It’s a beautiful place and looks so peaceful! It’s on my list of places I would like to visit!

Today, I had an appointment with the intake worker for mental health. And it went way better than I had planned. I do not need to see a psychiatrist and have medications shoved at me!! That is always a bonus in this situation. We talked about a few things I can do to help out, including increasing my dose of St. John’s wart. I am currently only taking a 3rd of the recommended dose. They are also referring me to a mindful movement and meditation program that is 8 weeks long, and if I would like to pursue more afterwards there is mindfulness cognitive meditation. This is really exciting for me, as that is the route of treatment I would like to take, not medications but natural and finding inner peace! I am on the right path, and that is an enlightening feeling!
I have been working on positive thinking, although I am realizing I have been negative for so long, that it is going to be a long road. The gratitude journaling is helping, and now it’s just reflection of things that I need to work on, and seeing the brighter side! Which today, feels like it is starting to come together! Also, this kitchen dance party thing… It’s utter genius!!! I should have been doing It for years!!!

